Selasa, 28 Februari 2012

jual software video editing

jual software video editing,jual software video editing,video editing.
Asalamualaikum para penggemar editing video semua, pada kesempatan ini saya akan berbagi info tentang software video editing, jika Anda seorang yang punya usaha video shoting/produktions, atau bahkan ingin membuat usaha video shoting, atau hanya sekedar hoby saja mengedit video untuk kepentingan pribadi atau mengabadikan momen-momen tertentu yang perlu di dokumentasikan.Jika iya, Tentu anda tidak bisa lepas dari software video editing. Yaitu suatu program yang dijalankan di komputer untuk mengedit video. Nah pada kesempatan ini saya adalah seorang yang punya usaha video shoting di kota saya dan sudah 7 tahun saya berkecimpung di dunia shoting dan produktions tentu saya mempunyai banyak sekali software video editing. Bagi temen-temen yang sudah susah payah mencarinya disinilah tempatnya anda bisa mendapatkan.Anda yang berniat memilikinya bisa beli disini dengan saya,dengan harga yang sangat murah tentuya:
Inilah daftar sofwarenya:

Daftar software video editing dari yang paling baik dan mahal ke yang sederhana:
1. Apple final cut pro.......................:Rp 200.000,-
2. Magix movie edit pro.....................:Rp 75.000,-
3. Edius........................................:Rp 75.000,-(Software clas 1)
4. Cyberlink power director 10.0...........:Rp 75.000,-

5. Pinnacle studio HD ultimate 14.........:Rp 50.000,-
6. Avid studio 10..............................:Rp 50.000,-
7. Corel pro X4................................:Rp 40.000,-
8. Sony vegas pro.............................:Rp 40.000,-(Software clas 2)
9. Adobe primiere pro........................:Rp 35.000,-
10. Avs video editor..........................:Rp 35.000,-
11. Adobe primiere efeck pro..............:Rp 35.000,-

12. Ulead studio 11..........................:Rp 25.000,-
13. Movavi video editor 7.0.................:Rp 25.000,-
14. Vidio spirit pro...........................:Rp 20.000,-(Software clas 3)
15. Movie maker 2.61........................:Rp 20.000,-

Total: Rp 800.000,-

1. Warna merah (super profesional)software yang di gunakan oleh
perusahaan industri musik/industri film yang besar (biasanya di gunakan
editing oleh stasiun tv).
2. Warna hijau (software clas 1 ) di gunakan oleh perusahaan musik/
production/video editing yang sudah berkelas,
3. Warna biru (software clas 2 ) di gunakan oleh video shoting/editing di
Kota-kota kecil atau di desa.
4. Warna orange (software clas 3) di gunakan untuk edit video untuk
kepentingan pribadi.

Setiap pembelian dikenakan biaya pengiriman Rp.15.000,- dan gratis Converter dan burning;
Anda berniat membeli, hub: saya di no(085749807315)
Diatas adalah daftar softwareyang saya miliki, tentu tidak hanya 15 itu saja software video editing yang ada dipasaran, tetapi dari pengalaman saya 15 software di ataslah yang terbaik. Jika anda ingin melihat software video editing yang lain atau yang terbaik saat ini bisa cari di goolge dengan pencarian dengan kata kunci”the best software video editing” atau dalam bahasa indonesia”software video editing terbaik”. Sebagai contoh situs terkenal seperti berpendapat bahwa software video editing terbaik saat ini adalah sebagai berikut:
Klik gambar untuk melihat lebih besar:

Menurut situs ini,Cyberling menjadi urutan pertama disusul corel pro X4…..,dst. Tetapi menerut saya Apple lah yang terbaik,dan Edius, yang tentunya tidak di muat di situs itu. Tapi anda bisa membandingkannya lihat daftara software saya di no,….. enam sofware itu juga disebutkan dalam situs itu. Itu embuktkan bahwa koleksi software saya berkualitas dan perlu anda coba. Sekali lagi jika anda ingin membeli bisa hub: saya di no: (085749807315). Perlu anda ketahui juga bahwa jika anda ingin mendapatkan hasil editan yang mksimal gunakan lebih dari 1 software, mengingat setiap software mempunyai kelemahan dan ke unggulan sendiri.
Seamat mencoba…????!!!!!
1. Apple final cut pro

2.Magix edit pro 17

3.Edius 6.03

4.Cyberlink power director 10

5.Pinnacle studio HD 14

6.Avid studio 10

7.corel pro X4

8.Sonyvegas pro

9.Adobe primiere pro

10.Avs video editor 7

11.Adobe after effec pro

12.Ulead studio 11

13.Movavi video editor 7

14.Video spirit pro

15.Movie maker 2.61

28 komentar:

vinettan mengatakan...

Sony Vegas nya yang versi ke berapa, ya?

Gundari Komputer mengatakan...

Apakah Software2 ini freeware atau trial?

Unknown mengatakan...

full version tdk? trus ada tutorialnya gk?

joy mengatakan...


Yoga video shooting mengatakan...

semua software diatas bisa dicari gratis di 4shared kalau masih trial.tinggal dicari cracknya..selesai..ngapain bayar

Unknown mengatakan...

slmt mlm abang. sy berniat membeli sofware editing, Corel Vidio Pro x 4 dan Adobe Premiere Pro. Abang kalau sdh baca tulisan ini tolong hubungi sy no, HP. 08113813602.

baronbeach mengatakan...

Gan jual plug in vistitle full versi ( not trial ) utk edius ver 6.0 ndak? Klo ada sy order ...telp 08122692022

Unknown mengatakan...

Kaa mau nanya kalo yh apple final cut pro itu di windows bisaa?

Unknown mengatakan...

gan ada bbm ngga lagi butuh buanget nih!!!!!!!

Unknown mengatakan...

Gaaan kalau cybelink power director itu full versi ga? Kalau iya bisa ga di windows 7? Kalau bisa beli nya gimana?

Unknown mengatakan...

Berapa Rp. Gan

Unknown mengatakan...

Berapa Rp. Gan

acsmart04 mengatakan...

Corel pro X4, Sony vegas pro, Adobe primiere pro ---> ini untuk yang berapa bit mas..?? 32 atau 64??

Unknown mengatakan...

mas mau nanya nie..sofware movie maker 12 itu bisa nggak masukkan logo, tulisan kedalam vidio selama berjalan mas..?kemudian berapa harga sofware nya beserta tutorial..mhn petunjuk. Trims

Unknown mengatakan...

kalo mau order masih bisa ga yah ??...

Unknown mengatakan...

Nomr ya gak bisa di hubungin

pslvseo a1 mengatakan...

Apple Clips is a video editing app that lets users create and share short videos complete with special effects, text, and graphics.
One of the more interesting features of Clips is Live Titles, which let you create animated captions by talking as you record.
On Facebook, users play up to 85 percent of videos without sound, making this one of the more valuable video social media tools for boosting engagement rates.

pslv seoa10 mengatakan...

Apple Clips is a video editing app that lets users create and share short videos complete with special effects, text, and graphics.
One of the more interesting features of Clips is Live Titles, which let you create animated captions by talking as you record.
On Facebook, users play up to 85 percent of videos without sound, making this one of the more valuable video social media tools for boosting engagement rates.

pslvseoa6 mengatakan...

CutStory is a video editing app for Instagram stories. It makes it easy to chop a longer video up into the required length for Instagram Stories (15 seconds maximum per clip). This way, you can repurpose longer videos—from your brand’s YouTube library, for example—and create more robust content without having to continually stop and start the camera.

pslvseoa6 mengatakan...

CutStory is a video editing app for Instagram stories. It makes it easy to chop a longer video up into the required length for Instagram Stories (15 seconds maximum per clip). This way, you can repurpose longer videos—from your brand’s YouTube library, for example—and create more robust content without having to continually stop and start the camera.

pslv seoa10 mengatakan...

Apple Clips is a video editing app that lets users create and share short videos complete with special effects, text, and graphics.
One of the more interesting features of Clips is Live Titles, which let you create animated captions by talking as you record.
On Facebook, users play up to 85 percent of videos without sound, making this one of the more valuable video social media tools for boosting engagement rates.

byodbuzz06 mengatakan...

CutStory is a video editing app for Instagram stories. It makes it easy to chop a longer video up into the required length for Instagram Stories (15 seconds maximum per clip). This way, you can repurpose longer videos—from your brand’s YouTube library, for example—and create more robust content without having to continually stop and start the camera.

byodbuzz05 mengatakan...

Apple Clips is a video editing app that lets users create and share short videos complete with special effects, text, and graphics.
One of the more interesting features of Clips is Live Titles, which let you create animated captions by talking as you record.
On Facebook, users play up to 85 percent of videos without sound, making this one of the more valuable video social media tools for boosting engagement rates.

pslv seoa10 mengatakan...

Apple Clips is a video editing app that lets users create and share short videos complete with special effects, text, and graphics.
One of the more interesting features of Clips is Live Titles, which let you create animated captions by talking as you record.
On Facebook, users play up to 85 percent of videos without sound, making this one of the more valuable video social media tools for boosting engagement rates.

byodbuzz06 mengatakan...

CutStory is a video editing app for Instagram stories. It makes it easy to chop a longer video up into the required length for Instagram Stories (15 seconds maximum per clip). This way, you can repurpose longer videos—from your brand’s YouTube library, for example—and create more robust content without having to continually stop and start the camera.

byodbuzz05 mengatakan...

Apple Clips is a video editing app that lets users create and share short videos complete with special effects, text, and graphics.
One of the more interesting features of Clips is Live Titles, which let you create animated captions by talking as you record.
On Facebook, users play up to 85 percent of videos without sound, making this one of the more valuable video social media tools for boosting engagement rates.

byodbuzz05 mengatakan...

Apple Clips is a video editing app that lets users create and share short videos complete with special effects, text, and graphics.
One of the more interesting features of Clips is Live Titles, which let you create animated captions by talking as you record.
On Facebook, users play up to 85 percent of videos without sound, making this one of the more valuable video social media tools for boosting engagement rates.

pslvseo a1 mengatakan...

Apple Clips is a video editing app that lets users create and share short videos complete with special effects, text, and graphics.
One of the more interesting features of Clips is Live Titles, which let you create animated captions by talking as you record.
On Facebook, users play up to 85 percent of videos without sound, making this one of the more valuable video social media tools for boosting engagement rates.

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